Welcome to the Belfast Rheumatology Clinic
The Belfast Rheumatology Clinic has been established by a partnership of three Northern Ireland Consultant Rheumatologists, Dr Andrew Cairns, Dr Adrian Pendleton and Dr Gary Wright. It is the first clinic in Northern Ireland dedicated solely to the investigation, diagnosis and management of patients with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions.
There are over 200 rheumatic disorders ranging from common musculoskeletal conditions such as tendonosis and bursitis (often related to work or sport) and arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and gout) to rare complex multi-system immune-mediated disorders such as vasculitis and connective tissue disease.
The partners have over 30 years of combined clinical experience at consultant level in rheumatology, both in the National Health Service and the private sector. All three rheumatologists have EFSUMB certification in musculoskeletal ultrasound and are able to provide a rapid and safe diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound service in the investigation of soft tissue rheumatic disorders and inflammatory arthritis.
DrGary D Wright

BSc (Hons) MD FRCP (Lon) FRCP (Edin) FRCPI
Dr Gary D Wright qualified in Medicine from Queens University Belfast in 1987. His postgraduate training in Rheumatology was in Belfast and Nottingham UK.
DrAndrew Cairns
Dr Andrew Cairns is a Consultant Rheumatologist in the
Belfast HSC Trust based at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast
where he was appointed in 2004.
DrAdrian Pendleton
Dr Adrian Pendleton is a Consultant Rheumatologist in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust with clinics in the Royal Victoria Hospital and Musgrave Park Hospital.